Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Beginning

So I am not a blogger but I feel like I am about to embark on such a faith journey that I need to start. I also want to just keep friends and family who aren't doing everyday with me in the loop of what is happening in my life.

I will try and do my best to keep this blog up, we'll see how it goes.

So, if you haven't heard, I made the decision to go to IHOP (international house of prayer) for the whole month of September. If you know me then you know IHOP has burning on my heart for years, I just never went for whatever excuses I had (fear, lack of finances, wrong timing, etc) and kinda let the dream die out.

How did I finally make the leap? Well, my friend Koby started nudging me in her own little "quit wasting your life being a wimp," way to follow my heart. So I decided to let that desire live again and as I did I heard the Lord say "the beginning of September". In a way I was excited but in my heart I was saying "No! I don't want to!," but I know the Lord enough to know.....He will have His way ...lol. Then not even 2 weeks after I heard that, Christa, a good friend of mine, called and told me that the Lord told her that she was supposed to spend a month at IHOP and He told her that she was to invite me.  Okay, weird? So I then asked, "What month are you going up?" She replied, "SEPTEMBER." Oh crap, this just got real.

So after many confirmations and prophetic words my heart finally says Yes. 

As soon as I say yes, everything in my world starts changing at what feels like lightning speed force. My parents move out of my home, now I'm stuck with a mortgage, my job might get cut down to 20 or less hours a week, I get offered some great opportunities that could change if I leave. So now I'm just a little nervous about how am I going to afford the trip, pay my bills and pay my mortgage!?
 I just hold on to "but God said." 

 As this all is happening the Lord then tells me "Put your mortgage payment in the offering bucket"....WHAT?!  This was a new one for me, honestly, I am not the type just to throw all my money in the offering, but I heard it clear as day. I hesitantly filled out the offering envelope and seriously felt like I was going to die or cry as I was putting it in. Then 2 days later a woman asks Koby and I if we can buy some diapers and stuff for her kid because she didn't have money but we didn't have cash. So I take the woman in to go shopping. I was nervous lol. I really didn't want to be cheap with her, cause God's not cheap but I was struggling cause I just gave lots of money away and I am just trying to save for this trip. I just had to keep saying "God's love looks like something and it isn't cheap." The total bill for that lady's shopping spree was $90...she was embarrassed and wanted to take my phone number so she could pay me back but I told her that God loves her and He provides her with all she needs and she doesn't have to pay me back. So Koby and I prayed for her and went on our way.
Now, I really didn't know how I was going to make anything work financially.


Out of nowhere finances start coming in and I didn't even ask anyone for anything!
My mortgage got paid for the month that I gave it away in the offering and for the month of September. I received $1392 in misc checks to help support my trip. AMAZING.

God knows I'm like a little scared kid so He is taking me by the hand and taking me step by step. I hear Him saying "Come out of the boat Cynthia." The waters look pretty scary and very uncertain but I am taking my first steps out and you are now on the journey with me. I don't know what's going to happen or how it's all going to work out but I know He is with me.



PS Please feel free to partner with me in prayer for this trip and even for after the trip cause I feel like life as I know it is going to look very different.